HTML5 update!

Hello fellow space travelers!

It's good to be back :) After I've spent the last couple of months somewhere out there, discovering new worlds and faring through the endless night skies, it's finally a high time to get back to work!

This update is my first in over a year. Even though I've disappeared for such a long time, by no means I've forgotten about game dev. I still tinkered with some projects, learned a couple of new tricks and engines along the way, but unfortunately, I was not able to piece anything together that would be good enough for a release.

As this year's resolution, I've decided to get back to the game of making things - and for now I'm starting slowly, getting used to the frustration, excitement and pure joy that making games brings me. Every game making project for me (even the game jams) is a marathon, not a sprint.

For my first game dev update - I present you with the HTML5 version of "The Captain Poet and the Star God". The main attraction, is of course, that you can play it straight in your browser, however there are a few changes that come with this version.

You might notice, that even in the fullscreen mode, the game is locked to a 1280 x 720 window and unfortunately, this is something that I did not take into the account while first making the game. In all my recklessness, over the course of the development, I've made too many functions dependent on this specific resolution (which then in turn is connected to room sizes, GUI scalability and other GMS2 shenanigans) and now every attempt to change this without any other significant remake to the game results in a disaster. Lesson learned. However, it's not all that bad. If you have 20/20 vision or would kindly play the game with a magnifying glass, you can now see that all my fonts and rendered objects are pixel perfect - and at this point you may start getting the full picture now. When I was first developing the game, I've encountered countless issues with the scaling, resolutions, fullscreen modes, you name it. The compromise I've had to make was for the fonts and some of the objects to render in a weird, a slightly crooked and distorted way. Once I've made the switch to HTML5, fullscreen mode does not work, but now everything is rendering exactly as it was supposed to be in the first place. Amazing (yeah, that was a bit of a sarcasm, but hey, it's a gamedev for ya)!

In other news - I've made a couple of general changes, bug fixes and slight improvements, refreshed my social media accounts and got rid of the classical music piece, that I've used in one of the versions of the original game. After all, I think that the cheerful and hopeful tunes really suit best the general themes and aesthetics of this space faring adventure.

Even though, it was just a bit of maintenance work, it was still a blast to do and I'm really happy to bring that slightly refreshed version of the game to you. Right now I'm working on bringing the rest of my GMS2 games to HTML5, and then, a new project perhaps...

Thanks for playing!


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